Professional Orientation Visit to Schools in Armavir Region

Within the framework of the Modernizing Vocational Education and Training in Agriculture in Armenia (MAVETA) project, a professional orientation visit was conducted on February 11 at Vagharshapat Primary Schools No. 9 and No. 1.

During the visit, MAVETA project VET consultant Lilit Beglaryan introduced students to the MAVETA project and the horticulture specialty offered at Echmiadzin State Vocational College through dual education. She highlighted the college-employer collaboration and the increasing demand for specialists in almond, pistachio, and nut cultivation in the labor market.

Margarita Barseghyan, the college’s career guidance officer, provided an overview of the college’s programs, emphasizing the benefits of various vocational pathways.

More than 60 students participated in the sessions, actively engaging with questions about admission procedures and the duration of training for the presented specialties.


The MAVETA project is funded by a broad coalition of international and local organizations led by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), including the Austrian Development Agency, the German Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), the Government of Armenia, the Swiss Church Aid (HEKS/EPER) NGO, Izmirlian Foundation, the Strategic Development Agency (SDA) NGO and Vanand Agro CJSC.


The project’s implementing partners are the GIZ and HEKS/EPER with the involvement of SDA and the School of Agricultural, Forest and Food Sciences at the Bern University of Applied Sciences (HAFL).


IADAAM meetings: Agricultural Extension Service experts met with various stakeholders

“Irrigated Agriculture Development in Ararat and Armavir marzes” (IADAAM) Project’s Agricultural Extension Service international expert Wilhelm Kruse and national expert Paruyr Asatryan, emphasizing the importance of training, research and innovations in agricultural extension service, had a series of meetings with various stakeholders, in particular Agrarian Policy and Economics Research Center of the Armenian National Agrarian University, Department of Agricultural Extension and Innovations, “Scientific Center of Vegetable and Industrial Crops” and “Center for Agribusiness and Rural Development” of the RA Ministry of Economy, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and Center for Agribusiness and Rural Development (CARD).

IADAAM AEST experts discussed a number of vital issues with the stakeholders, such as the experience of the stakeholders in the field of extension and training, success stories and reasons for failures. The experts provided counseling on the concept of forming an agricultural extension system.

Irrigated Agriculture Development in Ararat and Armavir marzes (IADAAM) project, financed through the European Union (EU) with implementation by the French Development Agency (AFD) is an integrated initiative aimed at transforming irrigated agriculture in Armenia.

Within the IADAAM project a technical assistance component is implemented jointly by Agriconsulting Europe S.A, Avenue Consulting Group LLC, Strategic Development Agency NGO and 3R Strategy LLC consortium and aims to provide institutional support to the Ministry of Economy (MoE) in the formulation of agricultural policies and reforms in priority areas.

Training on Gender Equality and Social Inclusion

Within the framework of the “Modernizing Vocational Education and Training in Agriculture in Armenia” (MAVETA) project, a training course on “Integrating Gender and Socially Sensitive Approaches in Agricultural Professions” was held in Lori region on January 30, conducted by Mariam Melikyan, gender equality expert at the Strategic Development Agency.

The training was attended by lecturers from MAVETA project partner Stepanavan State Agricultural College and Berd State Multifunctional College, as well as representatives of the private sector from Lori and Tavush regions.

The expert presented the current situation of gender equality in Armenia, international experience and trends. During interactive discussions and group work, the participants addressed the issues and challenges of gender and social integration of students studying in VET institutions, in particular, in agricultural professions.

The gender equality expert shared a number of practical tips for working effectively with representatives of vulnerable groups.

The discussion provided an opportunity to highlight the need for women’s involvement in agriculture, social inclusion, and increasing their role in public perceptions.

The training was attended by MAVETA Project Manager Lilit Hovhannisyan and VET Consultant Lilit Beglaryan.

The MAVETA project is funded by a broad coalition of international and local organizations led by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), including the Austrian Development Agency, the German Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), the Government of Armenia, the Swiss Church Aid (HEKS/EPER) NGO, Izmirlian Foundation, the Strategic Development Agency (SDA) NGO and Vanand Agro CJSC.

The project’s implementing partners are the GIZ and HEKS/EPER with the involvement of SDA and the School of Agricultural, Forest and Food Sciences at the Bern University of Applied Sciences (HAFL).


LILA Project at the FITUR Madrid – 2025 International Tourism Exhibition

On January 22 the FITUR Madrid 2025 world tourist exhibition commenced in Madrid. The Tourism Committee of RA presented Armenia with a single large pavilion.

Nueva Vista and AM Travel, partners of the project, also participated in FITUR-2025 with the support of the “Living Landscapes of Armenia for Market Development” (LILA) project.

Fitur is the first appointment of the year for the world’s tourism professionals and the leading trade fair for inbound and outbound markets in Latin America.

The partner tour operators of the LILA project presented the tourist attraction and indigenous experiences of Armenia, as well as the sustainable, inclusive tourism results created within the framework of the LILA project.

At the exhibition, the Armenian representatives had the opportunity to communicate with visitors, specialists and potential partners.

Participation in the exhibition aimed to showcase the country’s tourism potential and offers on the international stage, to attract more tourists to Armenia and promote sustainable development.

LILA project is funded by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), and implemented by the WWF Armenian Office (WWF-Armenia) in partnership with the Strategic Development Agency (SDA) NGO.

“New Extensionist Learning Kit” (NELK) Modules Launched

On January 23, within the framework of “Irrigated Agriculture Development in Ararat and Armavir marzes (#IADAAM) project, the module series “New Extensionist Learning Kit” has launched, led by Avenue Consulting Group’s Chief Management Consultant Anna Mkhitaryan.

The modules are intended for agricultural extension service coordinators, experts and local government representatives of the Ararat and Armavir marzes of the Republic of Armenia.

The 13-module series aims to introduce the key skills required of a new extension professional, rural support methods, toolkit, program management and role in value chain support. The module series focuses on community mobilization, farmer organizational and agricultural entrepreneurship development, gender, as well as risk mitigation and adaptation issues in Extension and Advisory services.

Irrigated Agriculture Development in Ararat and Armavir marzes (IADAAM) project, financed through the European Union (EU) with implementation by the French Development Agency (AFD) is an integrated initiative aimed at transforming irrigated agriculture in Armenia.

Within the IADAAM project a technical assistance component is implemented jointly by Agriconsulting Europe S.A, Avenue Consulting Group LLC, Strategic Development Agency NGO and 3R Strategy LLC consortium and aims to provide institutional support to the Ministry of Economy (MoE) in the formulation of agricultural policies and reforms in priority areas.