Professional Orientation Visit to Schools in Armavir Region
Within the framework of the Modernizing Vocational Education and Training in Agriculture in Armenia (MAVETA) project, a professional orientation visit was conducted on February 11 at Vagharshapat Primary Schools No. 9 and No. 1.
During the visit, MAVETA project VET consultant Lilit Beglaryan introduced students to the MAVETA project and the horticulture specialty offered at Echmiadzin State Vocational College through dual education. She highlighted the college-employer collaboration and the increasing demand for specialists in almond, pistachio, and nut cultivation in the labor market.
Margarita Barseghyan, the college’s career guidance officer, provided an overview of the college’s programs, emphasizing the benefits of various vocational pathways.
More than 60 students participated in the sessions, actively engaging with questions about admission procedures and the duration of training for the presented specialties.
The MAVETA project is funded by a broad coalition of international and local organizations led by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), including the Austrian Development Agency, the German Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), the Government of Armenia, the Swiss Church Aid (HEKS/EPER) NGO, Izmirlian Foundation, the Strategic Development Agency (SDA) NGO and Vanand Agro CJSC.
The project’s implementing partners are the GIZ and HEKS/EPER with the involvement of SDA and the School of Agricultural, Forest and Food Sciences at the Bern University of Applied Sciences (HAFL).