InitiativesENG, 3rStrategyARM

The Syunik Animal Market /The Ranch

The Syunik Animal Market was established in 2015 by Strategic Development Agency (SDA) NGO within the framework of the “Livestock Development in Syunik Marz” Project financed by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC). In 2021 The Syunik Animal Market was transformed into a social enterprise “The Ranch” LLC.

Following its social mission, “The Ranch” LLC ensures knowledge and experience exchange, provides cattle slaughtering and high-quality veterinary services, supports in animal trade and replacement, delivers trainings and extension services on good animal husbandry practices.

Apart from its main purpose of stimulating cattle trade by creating an effective dialog between the buyers and sellers, it also serves as a great location for local and foreign visitors, contributing to the tourism development in the region. Since 2017, “The Ranch” has been hosting the Sheep Shearing Festival, which is a unique attraction for tourists and a great opportunity for farmers from the nearby villages to sell their products.

Since 2018, “The Ranch” has welcomed students majoring in agricultural professions at Goris State Agricultural College and Sisian branch of ANAU to undertake internships at its premises, thus giving them a unique opportunity to apply their theoretical knowledge into practice with a guidance of professional veterinarian. Furthermore, frequent professional trainings and workshops makes “The Ranch” a learning hub for farmers and veterinarians from all the regions of Armenia to enrich their expertise in fodder production, breed improvement, animal health and biosecurity practices, poultry and cattle farm management etc.

The website serves as a source of information for farmers, where they can find all the necessary materials on advanced methods and practices used in animal husbandry.

Catering Facility offers national food sourced from local farms and orchards to promote small-scale regional producers and cooked in accordance with local traditions.

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