Two-month training on “Digital Marketing for Hospitality and Tourism” was launched

On May 24, the two-month training on “Digital Marketing for Hospitality and Tourism” was officially launched. The training was specifically designed for the beneficiaries and partners of the “Living Landscapes for Market Development in Armenia” project․ The training will be delivered by “MAROG” branding and marketing communications company․

Due to the training, the representatives of the tourism and hospitality industries will gain practical skills of digital marketing, branding and digital tools to promote their products and services on various digital platforms more professionally․

The training was organized within the “Living Landscapes for Market Development in Armenia” Project, which is implemented by World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) Caucasus and Armenian offices (lead implementer) and “Strategic Development Agency” (SDA) NGO. The Project is funded by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC).