On April 8, the event for honoring women, involved in agriculture and contributing to the improvement and development of the sector took place at the Radisson Blu Hotel.
The event was organized by Strategic Development Agency NGO within the framework of the “Modernizing Vocational Education and Training in Agriculture in Armenia” (MAVETA) project (MAVETA) program.
The MAVETA project is funded by a broad coalition of international and local organizations led by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), including the Austrian Development Agency, the German Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), the Government of Armenia, the Swiss Church Aid (HEKS/EPER) NGO, Izmirlian Foundation, the Strategic Development Agency (SDA) NGO and Vanand Agro CJSC.
The project’s implementing partners are the GIZ and HEKS/EPER with the involvement of SDA and the School of Agricultural, Forest and Food Sciences at the Bern University of Applied Sciences (HAFL).
The purpose of the event was to promote the professions targeted by the MAVETA project, expand the involvement of women in the field, increase their role and provide an opportunity to establish connections with each other.
The event started with the welcome speech of Armenuhi Poghosyan, Head of the Department of Primary (Craftsmanship) and Vocational Education of the RA Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sports, who emphasized the role of education in the development of agriculture and presented the agricultural specialties introduced by dual education within the MAVETA project, which will enable students already skilled entry into the labor market, contributing to the employability of communities.
Mrs. Poghosyan was followed by RA Deputy Minister of Economy, Tatevik Sargsyan, who emphasized the role of women in the field of agriculture and noted that most of the local products are provided by women, working in the field. “May there always be professional successes in your life, let’s continue serving the motherland and its progress honestly and unceasingly,” said Mrs. Sargsyan.
Monique Frey, the VET consultant from HEKS/EPER, presented the experience of Switzerland and the implemented programs for involving women in political and social life.
Sona Tsarukyan, the deputy head of the Food safety inspection body of the Republic of Armenia, urged young people to choose their professions by their heart.
Additionally, she proposed the inclusion of men in similar gatherings to further emphasize the significance of women in the agricultural sector.
At the event, seven women specializing in professions such as veterinary, milk and dairy technology, and farm management shared their success stories.
During the event, through a panel discussion, Melanya Karapetyan, head of the food safety department of the RA Ministry of Economy, Armenuhi Poghosyan, head of the department of primary (craftsmanship) and vocational education of the RA Ministry of education, science, culture and sports and a representative of the private sector, a female entrepreneur, the co-founder of “Lorva Kat” company Anush Sukiasyan presented and discussed the challenges for women, involved in agriculture and ways to overcome them.