Seminars on “Application of GIS in pastures and meadows e-management”

“Application of GIS in pastures and meadows e-management” seminars were held on April 27, 2021, in Amasia community of Shirak province and on April 28 in Gyulagarak community of Lori province, within the framework of “Introducing pasture and grassland maps for sustainable pasture and grasslands management practices in Lori and Shirak marzes of Armenia” project.

The project is financed by the GIZ ECOSERVE Project, with co-financing from the “Livestock Development in the South of Armenia” project implemented by “Strategic Development Agency” NGO with financial support of Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation.

Heads of communities, employees of municipalities, and community representatives participated in the seminars. After getting acquainted with the content of the structural features of GIS, the participants of the seminar mentioned the importance of the use of GIS in “Introducing pasture and grassland maps for sustainable pasture and grasslands management practices in Lori and Shirak marzes of Armenia” project. In particular, it was highlighted, that there could be an opportunity to obtain objective information about pastures and meadows and possibilities to reduce community workload through the use of GIS technologies.