The pilot project “Introducing pasture and grassland maps for sustainable pasture and grasslands management practices in Lori and Shirak marzes of Armenia” was launched on January 1, 2021. The project is financed by the GIZ ECOSERVE Project, with co-financing from the “Livestock Development in the South of Armenia” project implemented by “Strategic Development Agency ” NGO with financial support of Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation
The project will test the developed digital maps in the pasture management of the target Amasia and Gyulagarak communities selected from the Shirak and Lori regions of RA, to improve sustainable governance practices for developing capabilities and opportunities in governance.
The aim of the pilot project is to develop an institutional framework for the use of digital maps based on the needs and requirements of communities. Which will be the basis for the usage of the maps, available to the Ministry of Economy and the Ministry of Territorial Administration and Infrastructure in all communities of the Republic of Armenia.