The Socio-Economic Integration of Refugees in Armenia (SEIRA) is a three-year project aimed at enhancing the livelihoods and resilience of refugee and vulnerable host populations in Armenia. This project is implemented in collaboration with the UN World Food Programme (WFP) and the Strategic Development Agency (SDA) NGO, targeting six communities across the Gegharkunik, Vayots Dzor, and Syunik regions, which were involved previously in the REBCA project. The SEIRA project is the SDC contribution to the wider efforts of the Government and other important stakeholders with the aim to pioneer the shift from purely humanitarian into a long-term development nexus approach.

In response to the influx of over 115,257 refugees from Nagorno Karabakh, the Armenian government has implemented measures to provide essential services, including education and health care. Despite these efforts, refugees face significant challenges, particularly in food security, livelihoods, and housing. The SEIRA project seeks to address these challenges by fostering socio-economic integration and resilience through agricultural activities and self-employment opportunities.

The SIERA project focuses on integrating both refugee and local populations, with particular attention to women, youth, and individuals with disabilities. It aims to engage smallholder farmers and micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) in the target communities.


“Irrigated agriculture development in Ararat and Armavir marzes” (IADAAM)

Irrigated Agriculture Development in Ararat and Armavir marzes (IADAAM) project, financed through the European Union (EU) with implementation by the French Development Agency (AFD) is an integrated initiative aimed at transforming irrigated agriculture in Armenia.

The project supports the Government of Armenia in policy matters linked with development of modernized irrigated agriculture and provides strong support at local level to farmers and concerned stakeholders at crafting, promoting and financing pilot operations in Ararat and Armavir marzes.

Within IADAAM a technical assistance component is implemented jointly by Agriconsulting Europe S.A, Avenue Consulting Group, Strategic Development Agency NGO and 3R Strategy LLC consortium and aims to provide institutional support to the Ministry of Economy (MoE) in the formulation of agricultural policies and reforms in priority areas, provide technical support to the MoE in the implementing project activities, ensure communication and reporting for the IADAAM project.

The IADAAM project is also supporting the adaptation to climate change and making agricultural production more resilient to the effects of changing weather events e.g. draught, heavy rains and hail. The project will also support the UN Sustainable Development Goals and in particular support Women and young farmers and the youth to participate in project activities and grants.

The project started in 2024 and shall run until 2026.

Cooperation with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

“Strategic Development Agency” NGO has been cooperating with Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations since 2012, implementing a numerous of projects and researches with the financial support of the latter, which are shortly presented below։

  • “Technical and institutional support to veterinary services in Armenia”։ The goal of the project: the strengthening of veterinary services public sector in Syunik marz contributing to improvement of the food safety system and sustainable agricultural development in Armenia.
  • “National survey on conservation of dual-purpose cattle and collection of genetic samples”։ The purpose of the study: to assess the current situation related to the genetic resources, production environment and breeding background of the Caucasian Brown cattle breed in Armenia, to identify the priorities, gaps, bottlenecks and opportunities for the selected breed.
  • “How to Improve silage and fodder preparation based on Inspection Reports”: The aim of the study: to assess the nutritional quality of silage and fodder for animals and develop recommendations to farmers on how to improve the quality of the silage and fodder on their farms.
  • “Current situation of Artificial Insemination in Armenia”: The purpose of the study: to assess technical and infrastructural constraints of cattle artificial insemination (AI) services currently available in Armenia, as well as to provide recommendations on the areas of improvement in AI services.
  • “Implementation of a survey on the use of antimicrobials and collection of samples for antimicrobial resistance testing in Armenia”։ The survey aim: to explore knowledge, attitudes and practices among farmers and livestock producers of priority livestock production systems, veterinarians, feed mills and veterinary pharmacies to identify their patterns of antimicrobial use.
  • “Development of a mobile data collection system for six countries and four languages”։ The project aim: development of a mobile data collection system to explore knowledge, attitudes and practices among livestock producers, veterinarians, veterinary pharmacies and feed mills for identify the patterns of antimicrobial use (AMU) and their understanding of antimicrobial resistance (AMR).
  • “Emergency Humanitarian assistance to conflict affected vulnerable groups in Armenia”: The aim of the project: to increase the knowledge of the beneficiaries (displaced families) on good animal husbandry practices and farm management.
  • “Capacity building program for dairy and poultry farmers and veterinarians to reduce the use of antimicrobials (AMU) through improved husbandry and biosecurity practices”: The aim of the project: to increase the knowledge of dairy and poultry farmers and veterinarians on reduced AMU and promote the implementation of biosecurity and good practices.
  • “Linking farms, livestock markets and slaughterhouses”։ The aim of the project: the collection and analysis of data from livestock markets (LM) and slaughterhouses (SH) throughout the territory of the Republic of Armenia, in an effort to understand the patterns of animal movement between them, as well as the structure and practices within slaughterhouses in Armenia.
  • “Analyses of the Agricultural and Livelihood Needs of the Refugee Population Displaced from Nagorno-Karabakh”: The aim of the project: to collect qualitative and quantitative evidence on the food security, agricultural livelihoods, and income-generating opportunities/value chain linkages for incoming refugee households from Nagorno-Karabakh. Additionally, it seeks to assess the needs and context of vulnerable host families and households in communities or areas with significant concentrations of refugee households.
  • “Post Disaster Needs Assessment in Agricultural Sector”: The aim of the project: to collect qualitative and quantitative evidence on the damage and loss, pre-disaster baseline condition related to the agricultural sector as well as post disaster needs assessment. Estimate the value of the damage and loss and develop the analysis of expected trend. Based on the reconstruction and recovery needs provide recommendations on recovery strategy.
  • “Implementation of a survey on the use of antiparasitic drugs and collection of samples for antiparasitic resistance testing in Armenia”:  The aim of the project: to explore knowledge, attitudes, and practices among livestock producers, veterinarians, and veterinary pharmacies to identify the patterns of antiparasitic drugs use, their perspectives on use and resistance.




“Digitizing sectors for competitiveness”

“Strategic Development Agency” NGO during the period of 2023-2026 in cooperation with its partners representing ICT industry, Tourism, Agriculture, and Manufacturing (light industry) sectors in Eastern Partnership (EaP) countries will act as an implementing partner for the RECONOMY’s newly launched “Digitizing sectors for competitiveness” project under the support of HELVETAS Swiss Intercooperation — the cooperating partner to Sweden’s government agency for development cooperation (SIDA).

Under the focus of the project will be enhancing digital transformation of Tourism, Agriculture and Manufacturing sectors in EaP countries to enable sectors’ growth and generation of better income and decent/green jobs for women and young individuals, including disadvantaged and excluded groups.

Within the project the strong, target market-oriented ICT companies should develop innovative and sustainable digital technologies, services and solutions adapted for small and medium enterprises in Tourism, Agriculture and Manufacturing sectors in the target EaP countries to help companies in these employment-intensive industries increase the competitiveness in local and international markets, grow and generate more decent/green jobs for women and young individuals, including disadvantaged and excluded groups.

“Resilience and Economic Recovery of Border Communities in Armenia”

“Strategic Development Agency” NGO during the period of January-November, 2023 will implement “Resilience and Economic Recovery of Border Communities in Armenia” (REBCA) project.

The project is funded by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and implemented by the UN World Food Programme (UN WFP) in partnership with the World Vision Armenia (WVA), Child Development Foundation (CDF) and Strategic Development Agency (SDA).

Due to the military escalations in September 2022, 6 Armenian communities in the areas bordering Azerbaijan in Gegharkunik, Syunik and Vayots Dzor regions (totaling 133 settlements and 133,165 people) are directly affected, including in terms of economic livelihood and food security.

“Resilience and Economic Recovery of Border Communities in Armenia” Project aims to improve crisis resilience in the border settlements of Vardenis (Gegharkunik), Sisian (Syunik), and Jermuk (Vayots Dzor) communities by providing humanitarian and economic support.

The project has two main components. The first component envisages the provision of social assistance to the conflict-affected families, and the second component covers the implementation of rehabilitation activities.