“Promoting partnerships for effective work-based learning opportunities in VET”

“Strategic Development Agency” (SDA) NGO implements EU funded project on piloting the work-based learning model in agricultural vocational education and training (VET) in Syunik and Lori marzes of Armenia.

The project supports Goris and Stepanavan State Agricultural Colleges in strengthening the partnership with private sector by adopting work-based learning (WBL) in Veterinarian and Milk Technologist professions.

The project contributes to the establishment of a sustainable system of vocational education, which is tightly linked to the demand of the labour market. It also creates a replicable model and the respective competency for implementing work-based learning education in other VET institutions of Armenia.

The project’s focus is on developing the capacities of selected VET colleges (Goris and Stepanavan State Agricultural Colleges) and companies/employers in Syunik and Lori marzes through their involvement in the selected professions curricula revision and capacity development trainings to ensure the provision of a comprehensive work-based learning model in professional education.



“Livestock Development in Armenia: South-North”

The “Livestock Development in Armenia: South-North” Project is implemented by “Strategic Development Agency” NGO and financed by the Austrian Development Agency, the operational unit of Austrian Development Cooperation and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation. The Project targets households involved in cattle breeding, actors of milk and meat value chains and Local Self-Governing Bodies of 100 rural settlements, with over 99,000 habitants, of Shirak, Lori, Tavush and Gegharkunik marzes. The partners of the 3 year duration Project are RA Ministry of Agriculture, Regional Administrations of Shirak, Lori, Tavush and Gegharkunik marzes, as well as Local Self-Governing Bodies.

This Project was developed taking into consideration achieved results of the livestock development projects implemented for the previous 10 years in Syunik, Vayots Dzor, Tavush and Gegharkunik marzes and gained expertise of “Strategic Development Agency” NGO.

In the frame of Project investments plans with milk processing companies are being developed and implemented which undertakes provision of new production equipment as well as capacity building consultation throughout the cooperation period. As a result of the Project intervention processors enhance their production line, increase sales volumes and integrate more farmers as suppliers.

The Project long-term goal is to contribute to inclusive and sustainable agricultural growth of livestock-dependant rural communities in Northern marzes of Armenia through facilitation of private sector and activation of the Armenian-Georgian economic relations.


“VET Development in Syunik Marz”

“Strategic Development Agency ” (SDA) NGO in partnership with the Swiss organizations HEKS/EPER (Swiss Church Aid) and HAFL (the School of Agricultural, Forest and Food Sciences of the Bern University of Applied Sciences) implements a project in Vocational Education and Training (VET) in agriculture in the marz of Syunik in Armenia.

The project offers an opportunity to the Goris Agricultural College and Armenian National Agrarian University (ANAU) Sisian branch (which are the only agricultural institutions in Syunik marz) to develop a practice-oriented VET in the specialties of Animal Health Technologist (AHT) and Milk Technologist (MT) adapted to the local context of Syunik marz in Armenia.

The project contributes to the development of vocational education and advisory services in agriculture by putting in practice innovative approaches and creates a more adapted market-oriented practical education in the field of veterinary, milk processing and delivery of advisory services to farmers.

The project’s focus is on developing the capacities of selected VET colleges (ANAU Sisian branch and Goris Agricultural College) and strengthening the links between VET schools and private sector to provide competence and activity-oriented practical education.


Cooperation with Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Several studies have been carried out by “Strategic Development Agency” NGO, ordered by FAO, namely: 

The “National survey on conservation of dual-purpose cattle and collection of genetic samples” was conducted in 5 marzes (Kotayk, Syunik, Gegharkunik, Lori, and Shirak) totaling 64 communities/rural settlements. The study was conducted by applying distinctive and point-based models. Major attention was paid to the identification of gender aspects of livestock farming, particularly, involvement of women and men in the management of farming activities in the various regions of the country, decision-making levels, gender inequalities, and other issues.

The study is aimed to analyze and assess the current situation related to the production environment, breeding background phenotypic characteristics, and the genetic resources of the Caucasian Brown cattle breed in Armenia, to identify the priorities, gaps, bottlenecks, and opportunities for the selected breed.

“Assessment of the current situation of Artificial Insemination services” and training on “Silage and fodder preparation” was conducted in 6 marzes of Armenia: Kotayk, Syunik, Gegharkunik, Shirak, Lori, and Vayots Dzor.

In the framework of this project SDA implemented the following activities:

  1. Assessment of the current situation of Artificial Insemination services among dairy smallholders and service providers, assessment report developed with recommendations on areas of improvement in Artificial Insemination services.
  2. Farmers’ training organized on silage and fodder preparation.
  3. Quality assessment survey of silage and fodder preparation.

The purpose of the project was to assess the policy background, technical and infrastructural constraints of Artificial Insemination, along with the availability of tools and training and farmers’ interest in Artificial Insemination, develop training materials, identify farmers, organize and conduct farmers’ training on silage and fodder preparation as well as to evaluate the nutritional value of the silage and fodder.


“Livestock Development in the South of Armenia”

This project is the logical continuation of the large-scale “Livestock Development in the Syunik region” Project (2011-2014), implemented by Strategic Development Agency (SDA) and funded by Swiss Agency for Cooperation and Development (SDC). It has been designed based on the previous phase results and achievements, in partnership with the Ministry of Territorial Administration and Emergency Situations of RA, the Ministry of Agriculture of RA, Syunik and Vayotz Dzor Regional Administrations.

The Project is aimed at increasing economic opportunities and incomes of male and female farmers involved in animal husbandry in Syunik and Vayots Dzor regions. It covers 100 rural communities of Syunik and Vayots Dzor regions with a population of about 60,000 people or 14,000 households.

 The main objectives of the project are:

– Improved access of male and female farmers to milk and meat markets through development of sustainable market mechanisms and promotion of linkages between value chain participants.

– Improved capacities of male and female farmers in terms of new approaches and techniques in farming through both: strengthening extension service providers, input and services providers and other market players to advise farmers and training, day-to-day consulting, exchange and information dissemination focused on increased productivity and output.

– Improved access of male and female farmers to farm support services and inputs (veterinary services, Artificial Insemination and breed improvement, agricultural inputs supply etc.) through limited investment initiatives, local capacity building, improved efficiency of provided services, as well as establishment of policy dialogue with relevant state institutions.

– Strengthened capacities of local self-governance bodies to support rural economic development in the issues related to animal husbandry through further strengthening of local/village and regional authorities’ capacity to better perform their functions, respond to farmers’ needs in animal husbandry and establish a policy dialogue with relevant state institutions at upper/national level.

The Project applies M4P (Making Markets Work for the Poor) approach, which aims to promote lasting and sustainable changes in livestock sector in order to increase population income and reduce poverty in the region.