The Project of “Livestock Development in Northern Armenia”, implemented by Strategic Development Agency (SDA) and funded by The Austrian Development Agency (ADA) the Operational Unit of Austrian Development Cooperation, covers 12 rural communities of Tavush and Gegharkunik marzes of RA with a population of about 15,000 people (or 4,500 households).
Its partners are the Ministry of Agriculture of RA, Tavush and Gegharkunik Regional Authorities and Local Self- Governing Bodies (LSGB).
The Project is the logical continuation of “Agricultural Extension Services and Pastoral Land Management in Tavush (North Armenia)” Project launched in November 2012 through October 2015. The new phase of the Project has been designed based on the results and achievements of the previous one and aimed at deepening, expanding and disseminating obtained results and achievements.
The project’s long-term goal is to contribute to increased income and poverty reduction in target communities through sustainable livestock sector development and improved access to markets.
The objectives of the Project are the following:
– Improved access to Sustainable use of pasturelands, within the framework of which mobilization and capacity development of male and female farmers are planned in design and use of Pasture Management Strategies, improvement of pastures’ infrastructure, promotion of fodder crops’ production, as well as improvement of food sufficiency for livestock.
– Improved access to Markets (meat and milk), within the framework of which promotion of milk and meat market development is ensured between sustainable market mechanisms and value chain players (producers, consumers and processors) by establishment of contractual relations and their support through milk and meat production/supply, collection infrastructure improvement.
– Improved access to Farms and Farm Support Services, within the framework of which is planned to improve farmers’ capacities, increase and strengthen farm productivity by organizing trainings, study visits, as well as by presenting and introducing modern and effective technologies and providing continuous consultancy.